What is this site all about?

The amount of development that takes place on the Telos blockchain (Token symbol: TLOS), is immense and it's incredibly difficult and time-consuming to stay up to date on everything that's happening within the ecosystem.

That's where Telos Central comes into play.

Telos Central is a platform where community members can sign up and share information on the latest developments.
It also serves as a centralized library for a decentralized environment where users can get a complete overview of the ecosystem, but what makes it different is that all the users of the platform have the power to generate content and upload information.

That's right, you no longer have to sit on the sidelines as an investor, but now have the opportunity to actively participate in creating content and sharing knowledge about the ecosystem.


The Ecosystem is like the "Google Play Store" for Android or the "App Store" for Apple. It's a place that users can visit and get an overview of all the listed Dapps currently running on the Telos blockchain, or get information on the exchanges that TLOS can be traded, etc. The word listed is key here because it'll be the responsibility of the Dapp developers or community members to generate and list the content on the portal.

Whoever generated dapp related content will be assigned ownership to that particular item, so it'll be your responsibility to keep that content up to date. Ideally, ownership would reside with the dapp developers, but we're also accounting for the fact that not all dapp developers will participate in the portal, and this is where community members can step up to the plate. You do however have the option to transfer ownership to another user, so if you do get contacted by the developers and they would like to take ownership, that option is available.

Educational Content (To be implemented soon)

Do you have the knowledge required to develop dapps on Telos?
If so, why not generate educational content and share it with the community?

Pending feature:
Educational content can be monetized, so content creators can set a price (in TLOS of cause) on their content, which users will have to pay in order to gain access to the content. From the users perspective, think of it as an investment in your education in one of the most exciting industries of our time and an incentive for content creators to generate content of high quality and value.

Member communication

Since this is a project that is community-driven, it's important for members of the community to be able to communicate with one another.

Comments section:
One form of communication is the comment section below all generated content. Here members can give feedback on their personal experience using the dapp. You also have voting functionality, which is really important because this will be used as a method to remove content that is inappropriate or inaccurate. Use the like or dislike button at the top of the content page in order to stake your vote.

If member portfolios are correctly set up, they'll be displayed at the bottom of the content page. Here the member's profile can be viewed and users also have the option to send them messages directly on the platform. This function should be used only as a method to give constructive feedback to the content creators. This would include feedback related to the content such as errors, broken links, or outdated information etc. Members have the option to block incoming mail from specific users which could be due to a variety of reasons such as spamming or inappropriate messages, etc.