Flipping the script.
As you've probably heard, the Bitcoin network now consumes more power than certain countries, and that number is not likely to decrease any time soon. There is a big debate about this topic, but currently, about 30% of that consumption is supplied from renewable energy sources, 20% being Hydroelectric and 10% being renewables. The rest comes from Coal, Nuclear and Natural gas power producers.
Why mine crypto with expensive, power-hungry graphic cards or ASIC miners when you could generate power and be compensated for doing so? Imagine getting free electricity and getting rewarded with tokens?
This would have sounded futuristic a couple of years ago, but with the development of IoT devices, sensors and advancements in blockchain technology, this is something we're currently working on making a reality.
We're busy developing a device that could be connected to existing solar installations, or be installed with new installations, that would monitor the power produced from your installation and compensate you based on the amount generated.
- Bitcoin energy consumption